
Well Women (Gynaecologic Services)

Gynaecology is the medical practice dealing with the female health and its reproductive systems (vagina, uterus and ovaries) and the breasts. It means "the science of women".
Here the consultation for all women health related problems is offered with evidence based treatment and women is also provided with the information which aims to help women make informed decisions about the treatment choices . The most common problems dealt are;


• Colposcopy is a very helpful procedure to closely examine your cervix, vagina and vulva for signs of disease.

During colposcopy, your doctor uses a special magnifying instrument called a colposcope.

When Colposcopy can be advisable?

• The most common reasons why colposcopy is performed include:

• The presence of abnormal cells as confirmed by a cervical screening sample, regardless if these cells are cancerous or not

• The patient is diagnosed with human papillomavirus or HPV, a leading cause of abnormal cell changes leading to cervical cancer

• Inconclusive cervical screening tests

• Certain symptoms raising suspicions of an unhealthy cervix, including vaginal bleeding and cervical inflammation

The colposcopist will be able to tell right away if there are abnormalities, so there is no need to wait for the results of the test.

However, if a biopsy is performed after the Colposcopy, 40% of patients who were required to undergo colposcopy obtained abnormal results.

However, an abnormal result does not necessarily mean that the patient has cervical cancer, but the presence of the abnormal cells point to an increased risk of cancer especially if the abnormality is not treated right away. A colposcopy, however, may be able to diagnose a cervical cancer; in such cases, the patient is quickly referred to a cancer specialist.

Normal results mean that the cervix is healthy and the patient has a low risk of developing cervical cancer. Regardless of the results, women are encouraged to undergo cervical screening test every three to five years as a preventative measure.

What you can expect During the colposcopy

• Digital Colposcopy is done at suprabhat healthcare center and the procedure typically takes 10 to 20 minutes.

• You'll lie on your back on a table with your feet in supports, just as during a pelvic exam or Pap test.

• Your doctor positions the special magnifying instrument, called a colposcope, a few inches away from your vulva. A bright light is shined into your vagina, and your doctor looks the magnified and focused view, on the computer screen.

• Cervix and vagina are swabbed with cotton to clear away any mucus. We may apply a solution of vinegar or another type of solution to the area. This may cause a burning or tingling sensation. The solution helps highlight any areas of suspicious cells.
