
Well Women (Gynaecologic Services)

Gynaecology is the medical practice dealing with the female health and its reproductive systems (vagina, uterus and ovaries) and the breasts. It means "the science of women".
Here the consultation for all women health related problems is offered with evidence based treatment and women is also provided with the information which aims to help women make informed decisions about the treatment choices . The most common problems dealt are;

Irregular Periods

• The early initial periods can be very irregular and may not become regular upto 12 – 18 months of starting. This is due to immaturity of the hormone axis and is normal.. Gradually the menses will normalize and the girl will bleed for 3 – 5 days every 28-30 days, which is the normal cycle.

• Menstruation usually begins anytime between 9-14 years. If onset of menses is delayed beyond this, examination and tests of the girl are required to confirm that there is no problem.

• Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation — one or more missed menstrual periods. Women who have missed at least three menstrual periods in a row have amenorrhea, as do girls who haven't begun menstruation by the age of 16.

Other disorders that can cause irregular menses are:

• Polycystic ovarian syndrome – the ovaries develop clusters of blister-like cysts. Symptoms include irregular periods and excessive hair growth. Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome are especially prone to amenorrhoea when they gain weight.

• High levels of male sex hormones, which can affect the reproductive system. This can be caused by ovarian or adrenal tumours, or certain conditions present at birth.

• High levels of the breastfeeding hormone prolactin. Levels rise due to overactivity of, or a tumour on, the pituitary gland.

• Ovarian failure or early menopause – low levels of oestrogen cause ovulation to fail, which stops the menstrual cycle.

Tests can include:

• pregnancy tests, which can be either a urine or a blood test

• physical examination to determine overall health and the presence of other sexual characteristics

• medical history, including gynaecological history and contraceptive methods used

• hormone tests to check the functioning of the thyroid, ovaries, ,hypothalamus and pituitary glands

• Ultrasound of the reproductive system.


• Treatment is to manage the underlying disorder.

• If the condition is due to extreme weight, treatment will involve encouraging you to maintain a healthier body weight.

• Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), such as the combined oral contraceptive pill, will usually cause periods to return, but will not treat any underlying cause.
