
Well Women (Gynaecologic Services)

Gynaecology is the medical practice dealing with the female health and its reproductive systems (vagina, uterus and ovaries) and the breasts. It means "the science of women".
Here the consultation for all women health related problems is offered with evidence based treatment and women is also provided with the information which aims to help women make informed decisions about the treatment choices . The most common problems dealt are;

Painful Menses

• Painful periods (dysmennorhoea) is common problem in teenagers and many girls miss school and college because of it. This is usually due to excessive local production of prostaglandin’s and can be reduced by light exercise, hot showers and antiprostaglandin and analgesic tablets taken at the onset of menses.

• Menstrual hygiene is very important and must be taught to all young girls. Frequent baths during the periods, changing pads frequently, disposing off the pads hygienically is absolutely necessary. Even today, there are lots of myths about menstruation like not eating pickle, not entering the kitchen, taking total rest during this time etc., all of which are illogical.

• Many girls experience bloating, breast pain, depression and irritability prior to menses and the symptoms disappear after the periods. This is perfectly normal and restriction of salt, refined flour, caffeine and chocolates along with light exercise during this time helps relieve symptoms.

• Also addition of calcium, B-complex, primrose oil and such supplements may help reduce symptoms.

• In some women, hormonal pills have to be given if there is severe pain.

• Other causes mainly, fibroid ,infection or abnormal shape of uterine cavity can be ruled out with a routine checkup and abdominal sonography.
