
Fitness at 40

Managing discomforts of menopause

• Treatment for menopausal symptoms can range from hormone replacement therapy to self-management.

• During menopause, women can pursue a number of treatments to maintain comfort.

• Most women do not seek medical advice during this time, and many women require no treatment. However, a woman should visit a doctor if symptoms are affecting her quality of life.

• Women should choose the type of therapy dependent on their menopausal symptoms, medical history, and personal preferences.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

• Women can keep the symptoms of menopause at bay by supplementing their estrogen and progestin levels.

• Hormone replacement therapy can be received through a simple patch on the skin. This patch releases estrogen and progestin. HRT is highly effective for many of the symptoms that occur during menopause.

• There are benefits to HRT, but be conscious of the risks:

Benefits of HRT

• HRT effectively treats many troublesome menopausal symptoms.

• It can help prevent osteoporosis.

• HRT can lower the risk of colorectal cancer

Risks of HRT

• HRT raises the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and uterine cancer.

• It increases the risk of coronary heart disease risk and stroke.

• Hormonal therapy slightly accelerates loss of tissue in the areas of the brain important for thinking and memory among women aged 65 years and over.


There are other medicines available to help reduce the effects of menopause.

Low-dose antidepressants

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been shown to decrease menopausal hot flashes

Osteoporosis treatments

Treatments for osteoporosis include dietary supplements and drug therapy.

Drug treatments for vaginal symptoms

• Vaginal estrogen may be applied to the area as a tablet, ring, or cream. This medication effectively treats vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, and some urinary problems.

• Moisturizers are available over-the-counter.


• It is often possible to manage the symptoms of menopause without medical intervention.


• Exercise during menopause can have a range of benefits, including preventing weight gain, reducing cancer risk, protecting the bones, and boosting general mood.

• Women should exercise earlier in the day during menopause to avoid causing any interruptions to their sleep cycle.

• Kegel exercises can be useful for preventing urinary incontinence. These are exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. Practicing 3 or 4 times a day can lead to a noticeable improvement in symptoms within months.


• It is important to maintain a healthful and varied diet when managing the bodily effects of menopause.

• Researchers found that omega-3 may ease psychological distress and depressive symptoms.

• Omega-3 is available in foods such as oily fish. Supplements are also available.

• Women experiencing menopause should eat a well-balanced diet that includes:

• vegetables

• fruits

• whole grains

• unsaturated fats

• fiber

• unrefined carbohydrates

• Try to consume between 1,200 and 1,500 milligrams (mg) of calcium and plenty of vitamin D each day.

Psychological assistance

• Deep breathing techniques, guided meditation, and progressive relaxation can also help limit sleep disturbance.

• Stress can aggravate hot flashes and night sweats, so avoiding known stressors and practicing relaxation techniques can help these symptoms.

Other steps to self-manage menopause symptoms

• There are a few ways for a woman to comfortably accommodate the effects of menopause:

• Avoid tight clothing.

• Limit the consumption of spicy food, caffeine, and alcohol.

• Stay sexually active to reduce vaginal dryness.

• Keep stress levels to a minimum, and get plenty of rest.

• Maintain a cool and comfortable temperature in the bedroom at night to minimize night sweats.

• Wake up and go to sleep at the same times every day to regulate the sleep cycle.

• Smoking can exacerbate symptoms, so avoiding it is important. Staying active and healthy and responding to symptoms rapidly can help a woman maintain a good quality of life during menopause.
