

Obstetrics relates to pregnancy, childbirth, and the post delivery period, as a medical specialty. Our services cover consultation on all complex pregnancy related conditions and treatment offered to women is quality and evidence based and has been sharply refined by the vast training and the world class international working experience

Termination of Undesired Pregnancy

MTP is Medical Termination of Pregnancy. MTP should always be performed by a registered specialist at a place recognized by government authorities.

Following are the Indications for Medical Termination of Pregnancy

• Failure of contraception.

• Possible hazards on physical/mental health of the mother.

• Pregnancy caused by rape.

• Possible hazard to the health of growing fetus.

Medical Termination of Pregnancy is legally permitted up to 20 weeks of gestation. Pregnancy termination performed in first trimester is safer than in second trimester since it has fewer complications.

It is illegal to perform MTP after determining sex of the child as Government of India has banned sex determination.


Medication and surgical (uterine dilation and suction aspiration) abortion are both safe and effective approaches for appropriately selected patients. The choice is based upon availability, gestational age, and patient preference. Women seeking abortion care should be counselled about the advantages and disadvantages of both options.

A medical abortion is a type of non-surgical abortion in which medication is used to bring about abortion. An oral preparation for medical abortion is commonly referred to as an abortion pill .As per the law, it can be prescribed upto 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Possible complications of medical and surgical abortion include:

Medical abortion

• Haemorrhage

• Incomplete abortion

• Uterine or pelvic infection

• Ongoing intrauterine pregnancy, requiring a surgical abortion for completion

• Misdiagnosed/unrecognized ectopic pregnancy

First-trimester surgical abortion is effective in terminating pregnancy in 98 to 99 percent of procedures and has a complication rate of 0 to 3 percent . The major complications of surgical abortion are incomplete evacuation, uterine perforation, problems related to anesthesia, and endometritis.

It is often advised to contact a health care provider if there is bleeding to such degree that more than two pads are soaked per hour for two consecutive hours.
